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작성일 : 23-11-20 01:36
[중고팔아요] Abandonment of illegal gambling among teenagers
 글쓴이 : JamesDean
조회 : 324  
The Gangwon Land Addiction Management Center (Center) presented
a creative play for gambling addiction prevention for casino workers
at the meeting room of the headquarters of the Gangwon Land in Jeongseon on the 3rd.

The performance was organized as part of employee training to promote social responsibility
of gambling industry workers through plays related to gambling
addiction and to publicize the risk of gambling addiction.

The play, titled "Sabuk Hyperbolic Curve," was newly planned and produced by
the theater company "Gwangbu House" for training Gangwon Land employees.
The situation in which customers can fall into gambling addiction was organized in the form of an
episode to realistically describe the process of falling into gambling addiction and the importance of responsible gambling.



Gwangbu House, a theater company created by recoveries from quitting gambling, has been operated as
a club since 2015 and has been converted into a social enterprise through
the center's project to support recoveries. In addition, it continues to be active
by winning the Excellence Award at the Chuncheon Theater Festival in
2022 by continuing activities to prevent gambling addiction at local festival sites and welfare centers.



An official at the Gangwon Land Addiction Management Center said,
"The center will actively support those who have decided to quit
gambling, such as the 'extreme miner's house,' so that they can successfully return to society."

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현재 접속자
손님 (4.♡.36.107)
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손님 (44.♡.231.15)
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손님 (57.♡.3.6)
손님 (34.♡.60.66)
손님 (3.♡.156.104)
손님 (52.♡.238.8)
손님 (107.♡.224.184)
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손님 (23.♡.225.190)
손님 (54.♡.102.81)
손님 (57.♡.3.3)
손님 (4.♡.36.121)
손님 (57.♡.3.11)
손님 (69.♡.249.112)
손님 (3.♡.82.72)
손님 (52.♡.138.176)
접속자 152명, 회원 2명

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