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작성일 : 23-11-10 13:01
[중고팔아요] The magic of changing thoughts into actions
 글쓴이 : JamesDean
조회 : 204  
Kangwon Land announced on the 18th that it has signed a business agreement with the Sports Council for the
Disabled and the Korea Employment Agency for the Disabled at the
Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province Office.

About 20 officials, including Governor Kim Jin-tae, Gangwon Land CEO
Lee Sam-gul, and Korea Employment Agency for the Disabled, attended the signing ceremony to
promote the recruitment of disabled sports athletes. On this day,
he promised to support the recruitment of sports athletes for the disabled.

Under the agreement, Kangwon Land will hire 30 disabled athletes by the end of the year.

Players registered with the Provincial Sports Council for the Disabled will be openly
selected and contracts will be conducted on a yearly basis.
The Do Sports Council for the Disabled is responsible
for the education and training of athletes and the overall
preparation of athletes for the competition.

At the signing ceremony, Kangwon Land donated 162 million won to the Dojang
Sports Council for the Disabled as funds for education and training for athletes with disabilities.




"With today's signing ceremony, Kangwon Land will support social independence by creating jobs for the
disabled and improving the employment environment, and fulfill its social responsibilities as a public company,"
said Lee Sam-geol, CEO of Kangwon Land. "We will continue to work together with the
Dojang Sports Council and the Korea Employment Agency for the Disabled to hire athletes for the disabled."
<a href='http://pongpong79.com' target='_blank'>ㅤ


현재 접속자
손님 (44.♡.35.147)
손님 (57.♡.3.7)
손님 (44.♡.252.58)
손님 (3.♡.222.168)
손님 (57.♡.3.11)
손님 (57.♡.3.23)
손님 (3.♡.244.28)
손님 (34.♡.135.14)
손님 (52.♡.104.214)
손님 (57.♡.3.1)
손님 (69.♡.230.14)
손님 (23.♡.119.232)
손님 (57.♡.3.6)
손님 (57.♡.3.12)
손님 (34.♡.185.101)
손님 (57.♡.3.26)
손님 (52.♡.54.136)
손님 (44.♡.115.10)
손님 (52.♡.95.127)
손님 (100.♡.57.133)
손님 (107.♡.255.194)
손님 (54.♡.18.27)
손님 (50.♡.72.185)
손님 (3.♡.181.86)
손님 (98.♡.107.102)
손님 (98.♡.59.253)
손님 (54.♡.169.168)
손님 (66.♡.149.21)
손님 (23.♡.103.31)
손님 (34.♡.82.69)
손님 (57.♡.3.27)
손님 (3.♡.29.96)
손님 (57.♡.3.29)
손님 (54.♡.238.89)
손님 (44.♡.232.231)
손님 (57.♡.3.30)
손님 (57.♡.3.21)
손님 (54.♡.180.239)
손님 (52.♡.64.232)
손님 (57.♡.3.9)
손님 (18.♡.79.144)
손님 (57.♡.3.4)
손님 (100.♡.153.9)
손님 (35.♡.125.172)
손님 (54.♡.136.244)
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손님 (57.♡.3.15)
손님 (57.♡.3.13)
손님 (52.♡.174.136)
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손님 (35.♡.119.108)
손님 (3.♡.205.90)
손님 (57.♡.3.18)
손님 (54.♡.102.71)
손님 (57.♡.3.24)
손님 (54.♡.98.148)
손님 (57.♡.3.8)
손님 (54.♡.23.103)
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손님 (52.♡.218.25)
손님 (18.♡.213.231)
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손님 (44.♡.106.171)
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손님 (54.♡.32.123)
손님 (54.♡.163.42)
손님 (34.♡.118.144)
손님 (57.♡.3.2)
손님 (3.♡.2.217)
손님 (54.♡.102.81)
손님 (3.♡.98.99)
손님 (44.♡.204.255)
손님 (57.♡.3.5)
손님 (34.♡.181.240)
손님 (3.♡.171.106)
손님 (57.♡.3.20)
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손님 (54.♡.99.244)
손님 (57.♡.3.19)
손님 (50.♡.248.61)
손님 (54.♡.7.119)
손님 (100.♡.128.75)
손님 (3.♡.105.134)
손님 (18.♡.36.1)
손님 (35.♡.86.200)
손님 (54.♡.250.51)
손님 (57.♡.3.16)
손님 (157.♡.39.10)
손님 (44.♡.19.8)
손님 (23.♡.59.87)
손님 (3.♡.176.255)
손님 (52.♡.15.103)
손님 (57.♡.3.10)
손님 (52.♡.15.233)
손님 (23.♡.175.228)
손님 (3.♡.81.66)
손님 (57.♡.3.25)
손님 (3.♡.82.72)
손님 (100.♡.133.214)
손님 (44.♡.231.15)
손님 (54.♡.185.200)
손님 (52.♡.144.231)
손님 (157.♡.39.60)
손님 (44.♡.120.22)
손님 (52.♡.216.196)
손님 (3.♡.104.67)
손님 (57.♡.3.17)
손님 (34.♡.89.140)
손님 (44.♡.50.71)
손님 (52.♡.127.170)
손님 (23.♡.227.240)
손님 (44.♡.193.63)
손님 (54.♡.63.52)
손님 (52.♡.142.199)
손님 (3.♡.9.97)
손님 (34.♡.150.196)
손님 (34.♡.114.237)
손님 (98.♡.38.120)
손님 (110.♡.150.100)
손님 (3.♡.40.182)
손님 (3.♡.176.44)
손님 (3.♡.85.38)
손님 (18.♡.91.101)
손님 (3.♡.253.174)
손님 (34.♡.82.78)
손님 (98.♡.131.195)
손님 (34.♡.193.60)
손님 (23.♡.104.107)
손님 (23.♡.105.143)
손님 (34.♡.226.74)
손님 (3.♡.180.70)
손님 (54.♡.171.106)
손님 (54.♡.178.107)
손님 (57.♡.3.14)
손님 (23.♡.225.190)
손님 (3.♡.106.226)
손님 (3.♡.50.71)
손님 (52.♡.33.248)
손님 (34.♡.77.232)
손님 (3.♡.156.9)
손님 (54.♡.182.90)
손님 (23.♡.214.190)
손님 (34.♡.60.66)
손님 (18.♡.47.187)
손님 (3.♡.69.161)
손님 (184.♡.84.154)
손님 (54.♡.100.30)
손님 (184.♡.167.217)
손님 (52.♡.213.199)
손님 (44.♡.6.93)
손님 (110.♡.150.213)
손님 (54.♡.106.236)
손님 (44.♡.235.20)
손님 (54.♡.69.192)
손님 (34.♡.24.180)
손님 (44.♡.145.102)
손님 (34.♡.206.30)
손님 (44.♡.134.53)
손님 (3.♡.148.166)
접속자 163명, 회원 1명

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