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작성일 : 23-11-04 21:58
[중고팔아요] Turn the reel to chase the jackpot!
 글쓴이 : JamesDean
조회 : 235  
Kiwoom Securities maintained its "buy" investment opinion on Lotte Tourism Development
the previous day and its target stock price of 23,500 won. Lotte Tourism Development's sales
in the third quarter of this year are
https://atop21.co.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=free&wr_id=371039 expected to grow 108.8%
year-on-year to KRW 100.7 billion and operating profit is KRW 2 billion.

Lee Nam-soo, a researcher at Kiwoom Securities, said,
which recorded net sales of 201 billion won in July alone, are expected to lead the improvement
of their performance with a total sales of 52.3 billion won," adding,
"We expect drops to increase
https://mysocialname.com/story902395/do-you-want-to-get-a-coupon-sign-up-now 191.4% to 441.3 billion won and visitors to increase 237.5% to 83,900."

"The timing of large-scale entry of Chinese tourists is likely to be after
mid-October, just like inland," he said. "The improvement in visitor traffic at
 foreign casinos located in Jeju will follow."

Analysts say that Lotte Tourism Development will benefit from its superior
geographical proximity to Jeju Airport, the largest 1,600 rooms in Korea, and VIP-only casino services.

Researcher Lee said, "Jeju Island has the strongest advantage of non-certification
 benefits for Chinese tourists," and predicted, "Considering the increase of Jeju international routes
in November and the effect of the end of December, casino performance
in the fourth quarter will improve by more than 60% compared to the third quarter."

Financial information company FnGuide expects Lotte Tourism
Development's third-quarter sales to increase 139%
year-on-year to 115.1 billion won and operating profit to 12.4 billion won.
<a href='htto://pongpong79.com' target='_blank'>ㅤ


현재 접속자
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손님 (3.♡.105.71)
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손님 (44.♡.207.36)
손님 (52.♡.64.232)
손님 (35.♡.102.85)
손님 (100.♡.133.214)
손님 (3.♡.95.193)
접속자 185명, 회원 1명

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