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작성일 : 23-10-12 19:07
[중고팔아요] Opening the card (guest)
 글쓴이 : JamesDean
조회 : 236  
At around 4 p.m. on the 18th, Dream Tower Casino, a casino for foreigners on
Jeju Island, was full of Chinese tourists doing baccarat.

In particular, high-value betting zones separately
arranged inside the business were already full. Looking
at the picture unfolding on the large screen, an electronic
sound of betting was constantly heard even in the area where
each person played electronic games on an individual monitors.

As Chinese group tourists (youkers and 游客s)
returned for the first time in about six years and five months due to the lifting
of the Chinese government's ban on Korea,
the Jeju tourism industry, including duty-free
shops and casinos, which have been stagnant due to the pandemic, is shaking.
Jeju Island is expected to be the most active in attracting foreign
tourists as foreign visitors can stay visa-free for 30 days.
As overseas travel has become free this year, foreign tourists
such as Youker seem to fill the place where Koreans who have
been visiting Jeju Island have left for Japan or Southeast Asia.



As direct flights between China and Jeju resumed after China's "Zero Corona"
policy was abolished earlier this year, individual Chinese travelers
began to visit Jeju again, followed by group tourists such as cruise travelers.
As foreign tourists such as Youker visited

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현재 접속자
손님 (61.♡.93.127)
손님 (57.♡.3.4)
손님 (57.♡.3.24)
손님 (57.♡.3.6)
손님 (57.♡.3.20)
손님 (57.♡.3.28)
손님 (57.♡.3.17)
손님 (34.♡.82.69)
손님 (57.♡.3.29)
손님 (57.♡.3.19)
손님 (47.♡.3.84)
손님 (57.♡.3.2)
손님 (57.♡.3.21)
손님 (57.♡.3.15)
손님 (57.♡.3.26)
손님 (57.♡.3.1)
손님 (47.♡.7.207)
손님 (57.♡.3.11)
손님 (57.♡.3.16)
손님 (57.♡.3.23)
손님 (57.♡.3.14)
손님 (57.♡.3.13)
손님 (57.♡.3.25)
손님 (52.♡.144.223)
손님 (57.♡.3.27)
손님 (57.♡.3.5)
손님 (57.♡.3.30)
손님 (57.♡.3.3)
손님 (34.♡.82.78)
손님 (47.♡.117.165)
손님 (34.♡.82.75)
손님 (52.♡.144.174)
손님 (40.♡.167.23)
손님 (57.♡.3.9)
손님 (57.♡.3.10)
손님 (47.♡.0.153)
손님 (57.♡.3.7)
손님 (57.♡.3.12)
손님 (57.♡.3.18)
접속자 41명, 회원 2명

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