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작성일 : 23-07-07 14:55
[중고팔아요] only collected warranty sites
 글쓴이 : JamesDean
조회 : 31  
   http://mevius82.com [41]
   http://pongpong79.com [54]
<a href='http://pongpong79.com' target='_blank'>ㅤ

Gangwon Land announced on the 17th that it will provide a total of 300 million won in donations to events

held in four cities and counties in the abandoned mine area of Gangwon in the second half of 2023.

Non-profit organizations or institutions located in four cities and counties

 in abandoned mines in Gangwon-do are eligible for support, and projects

supported by Gangwon Land or Gangwon Land Social Contribution Foundation are excluded.

One organization can receive support for one project per year.

There are a total of four areas of public offering: residents-led local festivals,

cultural and artistic festivals, sports events, and general events that reflect regional characteristics.

Applications for support shall be limited to projects that

can bear at least 20% of the total project cost.

Gangwon Land has provided a total of 3.6 billion won to 588 projects since 2015.


Thank you. >>


현재 접속자
손님 (69.♡.230.3)
손님 (173.♡.83.115)
손님 (69.♡.230.9)
손님 (173.♡.87.10)
손님 (173.♡.83.114)
손님 (173.♡.83.34)
손님 (69.♡.249.9)
손님 (173.♡.87.7)
손님 (173.♡.70.112)
손님 (173.♡.70.113)
손님 (173.♡.83.25)
손님 (69.♡.230.2)
손님 (173.♡.83.3)
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손님 (173.♡.83.113)
손님 (173.♡.107.11)
손님 (69.♡.230.13)
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손님 (173.♡.87.9)
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손님 (69.♡.249.7)
손님 (173.♡.70.3)
손님 (173.♡.83.22)
손님 (69.♡.249.14)
손님 (173.♡.87.116)
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손님 (66.♡.149.6)
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손님 (69.♡.230.8)
손님 (173.♡.70.4)
손님 (173.♡.107.116)
손님 (66.♡.149.5)
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손님 (69.♡.249.5)
손님 (3.♡.5.99)
손님 (173.♡.107.12)
손님 (173.♡.83.23)
손님 (57.♡.3.13)
손님 (57.♡.3.27)
손님 (57.♡.3.7)
손님 (173.♡.69.10)
손님 (173.♡.87.8)
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손님 (69.♡.249.3)
손님 (173.♡.87.6)
손님 (173.♡.107.18)
손님 (173.♡.83.12)
손님 (173.♡.107.6)
손님 (69.♡.230.112)
손님 (69.♡.230.21)
손님 (69.♡.249.6)
손님 (173.♡.83.32)
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손님 (66.♡.149.11)
손님 (69.♡.249.4)
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손님 (66.♡.149.22)
손님 (173.♡.107.14)
손님 (69.♡.249.11)
손님 (66.♡.149.25)
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손님 (69.♡.230.6)
손님 (173.♡.83.17)
손님 (69.♡.230.1)
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손님 (66.♡.149.116)
손님 (69.♡.249.12)
손님 (69.♡.249.113)
손님 (173.♡.107.9)
손님 (69.♡.230.18)
손님 (57.♡.3.4)
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손님 (66.♡.149.13)
손님 (173.♡.83.24)
손님 (69.♡.249.2)
손님 (66.♡.149.42)
손님 (173.♡.70.114)
손님 (173.♡.127.113)
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손님 (57.♡.3.19)
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손님 (173.♡.83.37)
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손님 (66.♡.149.36)
손님 (66.♡.149.34)
손님 (173.♡.83.27)
손님 (173.♡.107.4)
손님 (69.♡.230.15)
손님 (69.♡.249.1)
손님 (69.♡.249.115)
손님 (69.♡.230.20)
손님 (173.♡.83.19)
손님 (69.♡.230.4)
손님 (66.♡.149.19)
손님 (173.♡.83.35)
손님 (173.♡.87.1)
손님 (173.♡.83.33)
손님 (69.♡.230.115)
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손님 (69.♡.230.17)
손님 (66.♡.149.18)
손님 (66.♡.149.27)
손님 (173.♡.127.19)
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손님 (173.♡.107.8)
손님 (57.♡.3.9)
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손님 (66.♡.149.20)
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손님 (69.♡.249.112)
손님 (66.♡.149.8)
손님 (57.♡.3.2)
손님 (66.♡.149.39)
손님 (57.♡.3.28)
손님 (69.♡.230.7)
손님 (173.♡.107.19)
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손님 (66.♡.149.41)
손님 (66.♡.149.28)
손님 (173.♡.127.8)
손님 (69.♡.249.116)
손님 (40.♡.167.20)
손님 (66.♡.149.17)
손님 (66.♡.149.30)
손님 (173.♡.127.114)
손님 (173.♡.83.1)
손님 (173.♡.107.2)
손님 (69.♡.230.19)
손님 (173.♡.127.2)
손님 (57.♡.3.12)
손님 (173.♡.87.5)
손님 (173.♡.107.114)
손님 (66.♡.149.115)
손님 (173.♡.83.18)
손님 (173.♡.127.115)
손님 (216.♡.66.241)
접속자 203명, 회원 0명

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  주소 : 경기도 오산시 오산동 318-3 | Tel.031-375-6272| 개인정보책임자 : 임종필 | 개인정보보유기간 : 회원탈퇴시
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